Info ticketing Museo Archeologico Nazionale, Museo dell’Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Museo di San Marco

Concessions for admission to cultural venues

Admission to State museums, monuments, galleries and archaeological sites is free for visitors under the age of 18. Visitors under the age of 12 must be accompanied. In addition, admission is free in Archives and Libraries for all visitors.

Free admission pursuant to Italian Ministerial Decree no. 507 of 11 December 1997, as amended and supplemented: directly at the ticket offices of the exhibition venues, upon presentation of a document certifying one of the following conditions:

  • to tourist guides from the European Union in the exercise of their professional activity, upon production of a valid licence issued by the competent authority (Circular 20-2016 DG-MU.pdf)
  • European Union tourist interpreters when working alongside the guide, on presentation of a valid licence issued by the competent authority;
  • to Ministry staff;
  • members of the I.C.O.M. (International Council of Museums);
  • to teachers and students enrolled in the faculties of architecture, conservation of the cultural heritage, educational sciences and degree courses in literature or literary subjects with an archaeological or historical-artistic focus in the faculties of literature and philosophy, or in corresponding faculties and courses established in the member states of the European Union. Free tickets are issued to students upon presentation of their enrolment certificate for the current academic year;
  • to teachers and students enrolled at the Fine Arts Academies or corresponding institutes of the European Union. The ticket is issued to students upon presentation of the certificate of enrolment for the current academic year;
  • to school teaching staff, whether tenured or with a fixed-term contract, upon presentation of a suitable certificate issued by the educational institutions, on the model prepared by MIUR;
  • to disabled people and their family members or other accompanying persons who can prove that they are members of social and health care services;
  • to operators of voluntary associations who carry out, on the basis of agreements in place with the Ministry pursuant to Article 112, paragraph 8 of the Cultural Heritage and Landscape Code, activities to promote and disseminate knowledge of cultural heritage;

Upon request:

  • to groups or groups of students from public and public schools in the European Union, accompanied by their teachers, subject to prior booking and within the quota established by the director of the institute or place of culture;
  • for reasons of study or research attested to by scholastic or university institutions, by academies, by Italian or foreign research and cultural institutes, as well as by Ministry bodies, or for particular and justified needs, the directors of the institutes or places of culture may allow free admission for specific periods to those who request it;
  • for reasons of study or research attested to by scholastic or university institutions, by academies, by Italian or foreign research and cultural institutes, as well as by organs of the Ministry, or for particular and motivated needs the Director General of Museums may issue individual persons with annual passes for free admission to all the Institutes and Places of Culture, as well as identify categories of persons to whom free admission to the same places may be granted for specific periods;

Further gratuities

  • to the students of the advanced training courses of the Ministry’s Schools – Central Institute for Restoration, Opificio delle Pietre Dure, Mosaic Restoration School- (circular letter prot. 2288 of 19-04-2001.pdf);
  • to the Ministry’s Honorary Inspectors and Conservators;
  • to citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland adhering to the European Economic Area (EEA) agreement, the provisions on free and facilitated entry set out in Ministerial Decree no. 239 of 20 April 2006, art. 1, paragraph 3, amending Ministerial Decree 507/1997 (Ministerial Decree 11 December 2007.pdf) apply
  • to the Military of the Cultural Heritage Protection Unit;
  • to members of the I.C.C.R.O.M;
  • journalists who are up to date with the payment of membership fees, by producing a suitable document proving their professional activity (facilitation granted for the duration of three years – DDG of 7-09-2022, no. 951 DG-Musei.pdf)
  • to Italian citizens resident abroad, upon presentation of a suitable document proving registration with the Register of Italians resident abroad (AIRE), within the limits of the Fund specifically established by the MIC (DM 15-01-2021 n.36.pdf).


  • As of 28 February 2019, for European Union citizens aged between 18 and 25 years old, the price of the entrance ticket is €2.00. The same concessions apply to citizens of states that are not part of the European Union, subject to reciprocity (DM 9-01-2019 n. 13.pdf);
  • The Ministry has adhered to the ‘Bonus 18ennials’ initiative, which allows eligible persons to access all state-run places of culture for a fee, using vouchers that can be generated through a computer application ( as of 1 November 2016 ( Circular 55_2016 DG-MU.pdf and Circular 67_2016 DG-MU.pdf);
  • The Ministry has adhered to the “Carta del Docente” initiative as regards access to spaces where exhibitions or temporary displays are set up with a route separate from the ordinary visiting route. Entitled persons can access these spaces on payment, using vouchers that can be generated through an IT application (, active as of 30 November 2016 (Circular 77-2016 DG-MU.pdf).

Free entry

  • Free admission is allowed on the occasion of special events, both national and local, announced through the MiC website;

COVID-19 after suspension, free Sundays at the museum resumed from 1 April 2022 (see press release of suspension| see press release of resumption).

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the application of the concessions:

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